Friday, May 17, 2013


Daily objective for Day 3:students will define the y-intercept in math as well as translate it to a real world meaning.


examples in real world -

What is the real world meaning to A in the equation Y=A+bx the equation is Y=0.1469x+49.243 this is about roller coasters.

answer key-

Just as a matter of practice an equation of this type is normally written with the term
containing the x appearing first on the right side. So it is normally written as:
Y = bx + A
This form is called the slope-intercept form.
The A is the value of Y where the graph of the equation crosses the Y-axis.
and furthermore b is the slope of the graph, where slope is defined as the change in the
vertical Y distance divided by the corresponding change in the horizontal x distance.
The bigger that b is the steeper the slope.
You provided the equation:

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